UT is obligated to ensure that all courses are accessible to students who may need additional accommodations. More information can be found at the Providing Accommodations and Instructional Continuity page maintained by Services for Students with Disabilities group.
Extended Time
One of the most common accommodations for students is extended time for testing and other activities. You can easily add extra time using Canvas Quizzes.
Captioning and Transcription
If your course has enrolled students with SSD accommodations that necessitate captions or transcripts–such as students with Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing accommodations–you must make these captions or transcripts available to the student and should not post video or audio material without them, in order to comply with University guidelines and ADA requirements.
I have a student with an SSD accommodation in my course.
If a student in your class uses live transcription services (CART), and if you intend to host virtual live classes over the course of the semester, the student will likely continue to use their CART services. For classes held on Zoom or other video conferencing platforms, the student should pass along the conference link to their captioning provider. The captionist will participate as a student to receive audio, providing live captions to the student privately through the chat screen.
If you intend to post new or additional video or audio material, UT Libraries’ Captioning and Transcription Services will provide captions and transcripts. Fill out a request form at https://captioning.lib.utexas.edu/.
- Note that your request is an ADA request for a Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing individual
- Turnaround is between 2-5 business days
- Your request will be prioritized with no cost to your department
If you have additional questions please see Services for Students with Disabilities for information about ADA compliance and SSD accommodations or UT Libraries’ Captioning and Transcription Services for captioning and transcription needs.
I do not have any students with SSD accommodations in my course.
Faculty are encouraged to auto-caption their materials, bearing in mind that these auto-captions may need review and manual editing for readability and accuracy.
Update: Panopto currently provides a faster turnaround time for auto-captioning than Zoom, though faculty should bear in mind that turnaround times are variable depending on the length of their recorded material and the fluctuating load on each platform.